Nothing can put an actual, noticeable spring in my step as much as a super-productive day of creating….even better when some of the hours are billable, right? : ) On days like that, i sorta feel like the stars are aligned, and everything will be alright with the world. i’ve got glitter under my nails by bedtime (hopefully the kids didn’t eat any with their lunch?!), and i’ve got a big stupid grin on my face.
i had one of those days yesterday. It was so needed.
i was so grateful for it.
Half client work that miraculously hit zero snags, and half creating artwork for my shop and fun projects. Do you guys also have that magical recipe? that perfect storm of little things that add up and make you feel so happy and content just to BE? The kind of day that makes you feel like a good night’s sleep is on its way? i’m so interested to hear….for real-real! i swear, sometimes it just a day of sunshine and breezes that can do it! Or a day when the baby sleeps soundly during his nap and the house is peaceful for a bit. AH, the little things!
Anyway! Here are a few little tidbits of what yesterday’s creative sessions entailed…
~ a new print for the etsy shop
~ and the start of some sketching for the next in that same series
~ a bit of sketching for a commisioned t-shirt design
~ and little sliver of a peek at some free, BOY-FRIENDLY art you’ll be able to download over at Lil Blue Boo.
Hope you all had a great day too, and more of the same today!
The post productive days creating appeared first on Stephanie Corfee.